2010년 4월 4일 일요일

What will I do in October

At the end of october, I will be accepted or not accepted by a prestigious university.

Will I be feeling sad or excited about my life in the university...

Nobody knows but I do.

Because it depends on how I'm doing.

I promise myself that I try hard for my success.
I now and will keep pressing forward.

If I get accepted, I will travel to my hometown and many other places to meet my old friends that I haven't met for a while.
I will also travel to Hong Kong for a week.
I will start studying English in higher level. A lot of difficult expressions, words and skills for my career.
I will read a lot of books that are related to my future major.

Military tried hard

Many politicians and citizens criticize that S.Korean military failed to resuce those missing navy crew underwater.

There might be problems to the navy but still I believe they did their best. They even lost one soldier who participated in the rescue operation.

The accident was just too big.

Everytime I hear about the news, I think about my future life in the military.

Spending my life in military for 2 years...

Whatever my future position is, I will not consider it as a waste of time. I will do both working hard at there and developing myself.

Anyway... May they rest in peace.

Related article: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/04/116_63606.html

2010년 4월 2일 금요일


Visited Mungyeong for school field trip in last year. Wasn't exciting but was good to get relaxed.

Opened this blog

I will collect my memories in this homepage. Actually, I already have my own website but it is in Korean so I cannot share it with international friends. So I made this one for communicating with more people on globe.
Photo 1 and 2: M-WHO(Mock-World Health Organization) Assembly in July 2009
Photo 3: With the Secretary-General of Korean National Commission for UNESCO on Oct. 23, 2009
Here is my e-mail : dk.season@hotmail.com
Contact with me whenever you need me.